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46th World Conference on

Applied Science, Engineering & Technology (WCASET) |
Kuala Lumpur

Organized by : Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP)
Conference Date
23rd-24th November, 2024
Conference Venue
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Call:(+91)76694 09022
Press 1 (For International Conferences with Journal Publications)


Welcome to the 46th World Conference on Applied Science, Engineering & Technology (WCASET 2024). Taking place in vibrant Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia) on November 23rd & 24th, 2024, it’s a place where Science, Education, and Technology combine for global progress! You can think of it as a place where groundbreaking scientific discoveries spark transformative ideas, leading to innovative technologies that propel humanity forward.
This year’s theme is “Synergizing Science, Education, and Technology for Global Progress” which aims to promote collaboration among scientists, educators, and technologists from various fields to address global challenges and drive progress worldwide.
As we gather for this worldwide conference, we urge you to explore the latest sessions and tracks — all of which are focused on harnessing the power of synergy between science, education, and technology. You also get a chance to present your findings to a worldwide audience and publication opportunities in renowned Journals like Scopus, SCIE, WoS and others. At this International conference in Kula Lumpur, we'll explore how science, engineering, and technology can collaborate to solve global challenges and create a brighter future.
WCASET 2024 is a platform to share your voice, learn from the best, and contribute to shaping a better world. Be a part of this transformative journey — register today and secure your spot!


"Innovative Solutions for a Sustainable Future in Engineering & Technology"
At WCASET 2024, we aim to bring together brilliant minds like you — academics, researchers, students and industry leaders to create powerful synergies. Our shared purpose? To explore how science, education, and technology can join forces to tackle global challenges and create groundbreaking solutions. Together, we'll delve into diverse fields, share transformative ideas, and collaborate to accelerate progress. Join us and be part of this collective force for global good!

Important Date

Don't miss out! Key dates for WCASET 2024 are here! Be the first to know about registration deadlines, submission windows, and exciting announcements.

Early Bird Registration Deadline

19th May 2024

Abstract Submission Deadline

30th May 2024

Full Paper Submission Deadline

17th June 2024

Registration Deadline

3rd July 2024

Objective of the WCASET

At WCASET 2024, we want to bring together brilliant minds to come up with new ideas and use the latest technology to tackle big problems around the world. Here's what we're aiming for:
Spark Meaningful Discussions Get experts talking about important topics, like challenges we're facing now and new things happening in science, education, and technology.
Shape the Future Together Look at new ideas and major issues, and figure out how they'll shape the future of science, education, and technology & come up with collaborative ways to solve them.
Celebrate Game-Changers Give a big round of applause to people who come up with new ideas and ways to use science, education, and technology to make a real difference.

Safeguarding Our Present

We'll address ethical issues on how to make sure that when we use science, education, and technology together, we do it in a way that's fair and helps everyone.

Inspire the Leaders of Tomorrow

We'll encourage students and professionals to try new ways of doing research, which can lead to exciting discoveries in their areas of interest.

Solve Global Challenges

We'll discuss big problems facing the world and come up with clever solutions by using science, education, and technology all together.

Aim Excellence: Share best practices and optimize existing systems, helping us make smarter choices and drive progress.

Form Lasting Connections : Create a place where people can network, exchange knowledge, and form potential collaborations that accelerate growth and development.

Synergize for Global Progress : By bringing together science, education, and technology, we aim to find solutions that propel humanity forward, creating a brighter future for all.Ready to take on this incredible journey with us? Sign up right away to take part in something amazing!

WCASET-2024 Features

Spotlights are listed below but are not limited to

IFERP Scholarship Program

Institute For Educational Research and Publication (IFERP), we are committed to fostering knowledge dissemination, fostering scholarly excellence, and fostering the professional development of our members. We firmly believe that access to our conferences and engagement in the global academic community should be inclusive and equitable. In line with this ethos, we have initiated a scholarship program designed to alleviate financial constraints for scholars, researchers, and students across the globe. Our Scholarship Program for conference registration fees underscores our dedication to making this vision a tangible opportunity for all.

WCASET-2024 could actively contribute to the SDGs:

That's an admirable objective! Aligning with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) underscores a commitment to global sustainability and societal well-being. Here are potential ways in which the WCASET-2024 could actively contribute to the SDGs:

Goal 4: Quality Education:

Emphasize the role of education in advancing knowledge and technology for sustainable development.

Showcase initiatives and research contributing to innovative and effective educational practices.

Goal 7: Affordable and Clean Energy:

Highlight research and innovations promoting sustainable energy solutions in engineering and technology.

Discuss advancements in clean energy technologies and their impact on environmental sustainability.

Goal 9: Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure:

Showcase multidisciplinary research driving innovation in engineering and technological infrastructure.

Explore how advancements in these fields can contribute to economic growth and sustainability.

Goal 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities:

Discuss urban engineering solutions that contribute to sustainable, resilient, and inclusive cities.

Address the role of technology in building smarter, more efficient urban environments.

Goal 13: Climate Action:

Feature research and initiatives addressing climate change challenges through engineering and technological innovations.

Discuss sustainable practices in industries that contribute to climate mitigation and adaptation.

Goal 17: Partnerships for the Goals:

Foster collaborations and partnerships among researchers, professionals, and industries.

Encourage interdisciplinary approaches to address complex global challenges.

By actively aligning the conference with these Sustainable Development Goals, WCASET-2024 can contribute to a more sustainable and inclusive future through the dissemination of knowledge, collaboration, and innovative solutions.

Proceedings & Publications

Note :WCASET-2024 proceedings series will be submitted to the Web of Science Book Citation Index (BkCI) and to SCOPUS for evaluation and indexing (T&C)*.

Why Should You Attend?

Presentation Opportunities
Share your groundbreaking research with a global audience. You can present your findings, gain valuable feedback, and build connections with fellow researchers and industry leaders while showcasing your expertise.
Learning Opportunities
Immerse yourself in a dynamic learning environment. You’ll discover the latest trends, advancements, and best practices in your field. You can participate in insightful keynote speeches, interactive workshops, and technical sessions to equip yourself with the latest knowledge and skills.
Career Growth
Connect with leading experts and professionals from top institutions. You can engage in enlightening discussions, explore exciting job opportunities, and find valuable mentorship to take your career forward.
Exposure to New Ideas
Dive into innovative ideas and different viewpoints. You can exchange insights with leading minds, explore uncharted territories of research, and push the boundaries of knowledge by talking to passionate individuals.
Publication opportunities
You can get the prestigious opportunity to publish your research in renowned academic journals like Scopus, WoS, SCIE, and more! WCASET 2024 gives you the chance to share your valuable contributions with the wider scientific community.
Networking Opportunities
Connect with a global network of professionals, experts, and peers. You can forge lasting relationships that will let you achieve your career aspirations and leave a lasting impact on the world.
Lifetime Access to Research Presentations:
Offering a lifelong opportunity means that individuals, once granted access, can continue to benefit from and view research presentations indefinitely. This provides ongoing access to valuable content without time limitations.

Session Tracks

Essential Downloads

conference brochure
conference poster
Sample Abstract
sample full paper
Conference PPT
Registration form

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Do you believe in the power of teamwork and collaboration? If yes, we urge you to become a volunteer at WCASET 2024! You can join our dynamic team and play a vital role in creating an unforgettable conference experience. You can become part of a global movement & support an event that fosters learning, innovation, and progress. Here, you get a chance to connect with inspiring leaders, gain hands-on skills, and network with fellow enthusiasts who share your vision.Volunteering isn't just about lending a hand — it's about joining a community passionate about creating a better world. Register today and be the spark at WCASET 2024!

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